If you, or someone you know, has been affected by any of the issues raised in SHED: EXPLODED VIEW, help and support is available.

There is a red ‘Exit site’ button in the bottom right hand corner for you to immediately leave this page.

This aftercare page has been created to provide more information about organisations that offer advice and support on domestic abuse, dementia, eating disorders and gambling.

If you are in immediate danger, you should dial 999 and ask for the police. If you can’t speak and are on a mobile, dial 55 to have your call transferred to the police.

For people with hearing loss or difficulty with speech, you can register with the EmergencySMS service by texting ‘register’ to 999. You will get a text which tells you what to do next. Do this when it is safe so you can text when you are in danger.

This aftercare page has been kindly supported by funding from The Oglesby Charitable Trust and Garratts Solicitors, and by assistance from Cog Design.