Each year the Exchange will begin a new residency developing close relationships with local communities. At the forefront of this is building long standing relationships with schools in these local communities across Greater Manchester.

Incorporated in these relationships will be lots of training opportunities, the chance to develop new skills, meet new people and to be involved with creating a festival of arts and culture with The Den project. For more information go to our Local Exchange Page here

To find out more or to get involved please contact engage@royalexchange.co.uk

If a school in Local Exchange areas, we may have additional opportunities and free tickets to shows:

  • Rochdale
  • Beswick, Clayton, Openshaw
  • Tameside
  • Leigh, Wigan
  • Cheetham Hill & Crumpsall

We currently have partnerships with Abraham Moss and The East Manchester Academy, Connell College & Cardinal Langley

In our partnerships we are committed to engage with each school in the best way we can. We run bespoke projects within each school. Running workshops led by Royal Exchange staff or practitioners. Provide free tickets to each Royal Exchange production. Opportunities for students to join our Young Company and Collective Membership and much more.